ok, let's start here: are you worried about flu? because if you're no worried about flu, go
school yourself and come back. if you're not worried about flu, you shouldn't be worried about COVID-19.
COVID-19 is only in the news more than flu because it's new and we don't need TWO possible pandemics running around but yeah, that flu a lot of you aren't worried about? we're overdue for a pandemic of that. actual flu (and not that bad cold you keep calling flu) will kill you just as dead.
for people who have low risk of exposure to COVID-19:
wash your hands
don't touch your face
don't travel to areas with known outbreaks
avoid people who have traveled to outbreak areas until their quarantine period is over
wash your hands
stock up on household supplies in case you have to stay indoors for a few days, or even a couple of weeks.
wash your hands.
for people who have traveled, or are exposed to people who travel:
wash your hands
don't touch your face
avoid unnecessary contact with people who have high risk of exposure.
wash your hands
stock up on household supplies in case you have to stay indoors for a few of days, or even a couple of weeks.
wash your hands
for people with high exposure risk:
wash your hands
don't touch your face
wear protection (mask, gloves, bunnysuit) as appropriate
avoid unnecessary exposure to other people
avoid unnecessary travel
wash your hands
act as if you're already sick and don't want to spread the disease to others
wash your hands
stock up on household supplies in case you have to stay indoors for a few of days, or even a couple of weeks.
stay indoors and out of public places. if you are healthy, reduce your exposure and if you are sick reduce others' exposure.
wash your hands
for people who don't feel so well:
wash your hands
don't touch your face
stay the hell indoors until you are all better. you have supplies, right?
seek appropriate medical treatment if necessary. call ahead to see what your local healthcare system prefers.
if you MUST go out, wear appropriate protective gear to reduce other people's exposure to you.
wash your damn hands.
just for good measure, let's talk about emergency supplies.
if you have the room for it, it totally makes sense to have a three week pantry. not just in case of a pandemic, but the occasional ice storm, hurricane, blah, blah.
preppers kind of get discredited for their belief that civilization is going to end but it is completely reasonable to assume that at some point in your life there will be an emergency that shuts down your town or even just your household for a little while.
so. here's my list of stuff to have on hand:
nonperishable food to last a couple of weeks. some of this should be of the just add hot water variety, just in case.
toilet paper, especially if the emergency is that you're sick
hygiene supplies
first aid supplies, and spares of any medicines you need
a heat source for cooking that does not rely on electricity
flashlights, headlamps and lanterns. if you're ever been without electricity for a few days, you know how this is
spare batteries. charge your rechargeables
a full tank of gas in your car
an emergency radio that works on crank or solar power, just in case you're isolated
appropriate protective gear (i always have n95 masks and gloves handy. ALWAYS.)
a way to purify water, and containers to hold water.
don't think it's overkill. in my adult life i've seen one ice storm, one tropical storm, and one flu outbreak that made this stuff useful.
seriously. during the ice storm of '99 i couldn't leave home for a week. after tropical storm irene, MY home was fine, but people in my community weren't. some people lost everything and they sure were glad that their neighbors had this stuff to help them with. during a recent H1N1 outbreak, i wasn't sick, but friends and people in my community were. when people you know are getting flu bad enough to be hospitalized, it's a good idea to stay home.
no need to panic.
but also be smart about it.
and wash your hands.