Wednesday, August 08, 2018

things nobody needs

check out this interview. go ahead, i'll wait.

they actually make it sound like this "dumb watch" is a device that will make your life better.

what does it do, you ask? well, it sits on your wrist and reminds you not to look at your phone so much.

it does not even tell time.

and these two men talk about the dumbwatch as if $275 is a reasonable amount of money to spend for a bracelet that reminds you not to check your phone so much, because of course people with money to burn don't understand how to turn their phones off or put them away for a while.

it's not that hard, people. you just, uh, don't look at your phone.

i swear, it works.

1 comment:

Margaret (Peggy or Peg too) said...

wowsa. dumb watch for dumb people


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