Saturday, February 02, 2019

camping equipment: crêpe pan

in october my girl scout troop went fall camping. it was colder than normal, and it snowed. you never know what you're going to get in october.

anyway, there's this kid in my troop who had her heart set on BRINGING A CRÊPE PAN so she could make crêpes for everybody for breakfast. i asked her if she was prepared to get up before everyone else to cook breakfast, to stand in the cold cooking while others were eating. 

yes and yes.

carry on, i said.

so she showed up with her crêpe pan and a big jug of batter (because everyone knows that crêpe batter is best when left to rest at least an hour and overnight does not hurt it one bit) and she stood out in the field with snow coming down all around her and she made crêpes.

afterward she said it was a dream of hers. 

and she changed her username in our troop chat to Crêpe Master.

yeah she did.

we are right now planning our menu for our winter camping this month and the other leaders were thinking breakfast should be instant oatmeal and muffins and such but this kid is all like "can i make crêpes?"

i do not understand this child's need to make thin tasty pancakes on camping trips but i sure as heck support this initiative.

it turns out one of the other girls ALSO has a crêpe pan.

this is going to be epic.


Zhoen said...

I don't understand people who love to cook and feed others.

But I love them dearly.

Kristin @ Going Country said...

Possibly she's not allowed to do it by herself at home? I know my kids are always hounding me to help in the kitchen, and honestly, I don't let them as much as I should.


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