Saturday, September 07, 2019


this summer more than once i had to stop children from playing pretend CPR. while i applaud the intention of children playing at lifesaving, that's a thing you really have to step in and stop.

kids have a hard time grasping the concept that doing CPR on a beating heart may damage or actually stop it. they also do not get the part where if you're doing CPR on a person, it's going to hurt. it's probably going to break ribs.

but then WHY DO WE DO IT? is a reasonable question.

equally reasonable but not necessarily evident is that if your heart has stopped beating, some broken ribs are way better than dying.

that's why we practice on dummies, kids.


Zhoen said...

For saving kids, airway is most important, but then compressions.

Learning to check pulses is pretty amazing, but chest compressions are DRAMATIC! Movies! For adults, the outcomes of even properly done CPR is abysmal. Better than nothing, but most of the time it doesn't work. They don't mention this, of course. It works really well on kids, but that's because if their heart stops, it's usually because of respiratory arrest, as in drowning. Highly rescueable.

Pulses, though. Pulses are cool.

flask said...

yeah, that whole drowning thing is why lifeguaerd trainings really stress the CPR.

they don't mention the bad success rate because some success is better than none. and you have a duty to try.

Zhoen said...

It's actually pretty good in kids. It's older adults with heart disease that it's iffy at best.


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