Wednesday, May 27, 2020

i write a lot. just not here.

ok, so i write every day. it is a wild sign of the times that a number of people who are interested in history saw this pandemic get going and thought: i should be keeping track. people are going to want PRIMARY SOURCES"

and i started keeping a covid journal, in which i chronicle my daily goings on and the numbers. it will also serve as a contact journal in case i get sick.

and yanno, i was some weeks into that puppy when the vermont historical society sent out a request for people to do exactly that. keep an journal.

also i'm working on material for my girl scout channel, because the girl scouts are having to figure out how to do alternate program and by the time i get done that and my inat indentifications and my field studies, i'm just TIRED.


Kristin @ Going Country said...

I'm glad you're doing well and being productive. Also, thumbs up on your instructional mask. Do you really have a lot of people pushing back on masks in Vermont?

Zhoen said...

Nice mask.

flask said...

kristin, most people wear the masks, but there are some people who just don't get it.

there isn't a lot of pushback, but those that push are firm about it. and they need to be told.


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