Monday, October 05, 2020

2020 Venture Vermont: Camp in a tent or lean-to at a VT state park

 i love this challenge.

this season i haven't been camping as much because the remote sites are crazy because everyone who would have gone on vacation somewhere else is in the campgrounds and everyone who would have been in a nice quiet campsite wants to be out at the remotes, and those of us who need to be careful about exposure don't have a lot of places to go.

yet it's the end of september and some of the occupancies are down, plus i was able to get reservations for a few days on a remote site so my friends john and liz packed our drybags and headed off for a few days at remote site 2 on osmore pond.

it wasn't the easy weekend it would have been had we been out the weekend before when it was all clear skies and bright sunshine, but the weather was unsettled; by turns windy and rainy and sunny and all the inbetweens.

we're none of us young, and just the business of being comfortable takes up time but it's easy time.

plus i was impressed with the cleaning schedules and the general plague safety of the campground staff, enough so that we've got reservations in a couple weeks INSIDE a park.

here's a picture of osmore pond at dusk on the first night.

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