Thursday, March 04, 2010

round two

the january thaw destroyed my snowcave but then when we got all that snow a couple of weeks ago i thought i'd rebuild it and that would have worked, too, except for the three days' rain.

there was more snow (never enough if you ask me, or even if you don't), so i decided to try an alternate construction style: instead of digging the cave out of a mound, i am now building upward with snow blocks held together with ig-glue.

sorry. i know you deserved better than that, but i am a weak, weak woman and i couldn't resist.

later on there will be more pictures over where i keep my photo galleries, but for now here's what it looked like when i started to rebuild, and a picture from yesterday just before i started zipping the front together.

it's amazing to see the wall go up,and really gratifying to get to the point where i have to use the stepladder, but the really cool moment is the one in which the walls join and all of a sudden you've got ROOF.

at its highest point, the interior is about seven feet tall.

1 comment:

pinkie said...


Maybe one day I'll progress pass just making snowmen!


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