Sunday, July 22, 2018

tea paty

i don't have any pictures (because policy) but this is what i did yesterday:

i took six small parties of girls (a half dozen in each, maybe?) to the various habitats on the camp property and we gathered all manner of edible leaves and twigs and berries.

we looked at animal sign. we talked about foraging guidelines.we learned how to crush up plantain, mullein and jewleweed and use the juice to ease bug bite discomfort.

we sorted out our leaves and berries and with help from one girl who was quick to volunteer, i set up a camp stove to boil water.

i poured tea. the counselors helped the girls make little finger sandwiches with gathered leaves on brown bread with cream cheese. popular sandwich fixin': mustard greens.

after the tea was poured, i cut up and fried some milkweed pods, which blew some girls' minds.

and now i am tired.


Margaret (Peggy or Peg too) said...

wouldn't have blown mine too.

Margaret (Peggy or Peg too) said...

I meant to say it would have blown mine too.
(I hit send too quickly and when I saw it, it flashed away too soon to correct it.)

flask said...

peg, you can use milkweed pods just how you would use okra. you just have to use them before they're ripe enough that the silk is, well.. silky. before that forms you can just slice them up and cook them.

Hundewanderer said...

You make me wish I could sit with you and your girl scouts, I'd learn so much cool stuff!


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