Wednesday, July 11, 2018

this happened.

i came home from camping with the girl scouts from the resident camp and came home to unpack and unwind and then i had a meeting monday with a nice lady from the council and now suddenly it appears i am in charge of things over at the day camp, like instruction with cutting tools (mostly knife instruction) and flag ceremonies.

because teaching little children proper flag etiquette takes TIME and the actual counselors are busy with supervisory duties.

when you are working with very young children you are faced with having to seriously discuss that the color guard does not wear cat masks and may not carry that special stick and pinecone combination no matter how much they love the stick and pinecone.

yes, the color guard includes that little girl wearing a sparkly princess dress.

but by golly, she can fold a flag.


Zhoen said...

I’ve done color guard a few times, the army is much more picky.

flask said...

what, they won't let you wear your sparkly princess dress?

Zhoen said...


RO said...

You clearly have the patience of Job and I commend and salute you! Hugs...RO


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