Thursday, September 27, 2018

2018 venture vermont: one square foot

the direction is to use a string to rope off a square foot of forest and count species.

i cheated just a little and used a place where a small meadow borders a forest, because last time i did this i worked in a dry oak forest and there just wasn't that much i found.

so here's my little parcel. i did my best to identify what's in it. which took a stack of field guides, and some internet searching.

white pine (cone)
delicate fern moss
white clover
greater plantain
common yarrow
wood sorrel
new york fern
teeny little unidentified brown insect

it turns out that grasses are hard to identify unless you really know grasses AND watch your specimens for a WHOLE SEASON. ok, then. it's like watching grass grow.

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