Monday, March 16, 2020


girl scout councils that timed their cookie sales late are in financial trouble now because they can't pay the baker.

my pharmacist is living in her basement now so she doesn't risk carrying the virus to her husband and children.

at the town office they ask you to transact your business by email, phone, or if absolutely necessary to come in person, to call first and take precaustions.

the property on which i do my sugaring has closed. today i had to pull all my taps and haul out my buckets even though the buckets were full and frozen and sugar season isn't half over.

i feel bad about that last one because when i drilled holes in living things to take sap, i sort of promised to take care and use it well. pulling the taps halfway through the season feels like wastage, but maybe it's the same as just tapping now, which wouldn't feel like a waste.

i don't know. i just feel tired and sad and it's only just started.


Zhoen said...

I feel a blank sort of openness, waiting without anticipation.

The sense of waste is pervasive, though, I agree.

Friko said...

We absolutely need to stay positive and I, who say that, am not a positive person. In fact, I have made fun of people who harp on about it. But losing hope now will not help us. I try to find pleasure in little things like walks and books and a glass of wine. Luckily, I am a solitary body anyway, but going without human contact other than by phone may become difficult before it’s all over.

I have COPD and simply cannot afford to catch the virus. It’ll kill me.


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