Friday, January 26, 2018

internet advertising

i get that a lot of the internet works on the money that advertisers pay to get relevant ads to my eyeballs.

the internet is not good at allocating that advertising money effectively.

for example, last week i bought a refrigerator. i did a lot of internet searching for one day and then bought a refrigerator. i am no longer looking to buy a refrigerator. i have one. it will be a long time until i buy another.

but the internet is all "AHA! flask is deeply interested in refrigerators. let's show flask a lot of refrigerator ads, because that will surely pay off."

similarly, i was shown a lot of ads for camping gear i had already acquired.

hey, internet! by the time you show me ads for a thing, i have probably already bought the thing and your ad money is wasted.

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