Saturday, December 31, 2016

prepared remarks

i am preparing my remarks for when i go out for new year's eve, because i am always interviewed by reporters. my interview doesn't always make print or broadcast, but they always interview me.

it's not because i'm unusually wise or famous, but because i have a hat and scarf that are kind of a fixture and have a level of celebrity that i myself do not possess. because it is not possible to interview the hat and scarf, reporters interview the next best thing: me.

i just find it goes a lot better if i have something brief and meaningful to say.

i am toying with "2016 was a hard year for a lot of us for a lot of reasons, but babies keep getting born. we still sing and dance and the sun still comes up. let's all try to be kind to each other in 2017 and make it a better year."

1 comment:

Zhoen said...

Good New Year, flask.


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