i am laying on my belly about twelve feet up the tunnel, and i have barely enough room to lift my head.
it is terrifying, but also awesome.
in other news, today i managed to get out of bed and go skiing. i have some pictures of that, and saturday i made a new arrangement of my song willow, and i was going to link you to a recording of that, but i notice that i never did put one up on my podcast, so there isn't one for you to compare it to. at some point i'll put those up, but i wouldn't hold my breath if i were you.
i still haven't clocked the october photos from the thirteen project, although i did manage to sequence them all.
and i was going through my pictures, looking for what i might have done or photographed to tell you about later and i found a very entertaining (to me, at least) series of pictures that i do not remember taking, but from the timestamps i can only assume i was heavily sedated.
so maybe you'll get to see those.
but not now.
now i'm going to bed.
You must be so satisfied! I watched the video with a grin on my face the whole time. Congrats!
LIGHT at the end of the tunnel. Satisfying and symbolic.
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