Saturday, September 20, 2014


of course i didn't have my camera with me.

this morning i went for a walk up the hill behind the vermont youth conservation corps and to get up onto their trails proper, you have to walk up behind the solar collectors and the chicken pen and today besides the girls IN the enclosure, a couple dozen handsome hens were hanging out in the meadow and they were interested in me.

by "interested", i mean that they all came running over to look at me, which is kind of a weird feeling.

even weirder is the feeling you get when you pass the chickens and then you notice some movement out of the corner of your eye and you look over your shoulder and a flock of chickens is running behind you.

you ever watch chickens run?

it's funny.

and then i got up around the meadow and into the woods and there was a big old wild turkey.

dinosaurs are not dead. they walk among us.

we call them "birds".

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