Friday, June 30, 2017

UVM greenhouses

i was playing ingress on the UVM campus because it has a lot of portals and i needed (needed, right?) to find a lot of portals all in a hurry, and i was wandering up near the aiken building and there were some plants out in front of the greenhouses that caught my attention and then i noticed they were having some kind of plant sale, so i figured it was open to the public.

it turns out it's always open to the public, at least the conservatory rooms. it's very different than a garden store greenhouse where usually the goal is to get you to buy stuff. here the mission is to do science and education and oh by the way, here are some lovely rooms with parts of our collection on display.

a wall of drawings by students in a botanical drawings class

cacao tree


passion flower

more orchids

the pitcher plants of your nightmares

the "fruit cocktail" tree. it bears plums, peaches, and nectarines.

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