Wednesday, November 13, 2013

varying degrees of unwelcome

out in the national forest, private landowners coexist with users of public land.

most of us are polite passers-by and realize that just because someone has a home or a camp in the national forest does not make it public property nor a public recreation area.

but besides the occasional bozo who will decide to camp on your lawn because it's convenient, people out there also have to deal with agents from companies who want to use the land for mineral rights, logging rights, fracking exploration, hydro projects, or wind farms.

many of the landowners are less than deeee-lighted at this intrusion into their land and property rights.

or if they welcome, say, the wind project or the fracking exploration, they maybe are sick of having activists against it come knocking on their door.

if these people wanted a bunch of visitors, they'd live IN TOWN and not all the honk out in the national forest and so far off the grid, you know? i think setting up your household so far out of the middle of nowhere that you have to drive a half hour to get to the middle of nowhere is a pretty good signal that you would like to be left alone, mostly.

the people in those houses have a variety of signs to indicate this, and they vary in tone along a continuum of exasperation. here are two of my favorites.

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